From my, Sacred Art Studio February Newsletter:
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February 1st just passed and already the first sign of spring has arrived with daffodils
emerging from the still slumbering earth. A mild winter in the Northwest but we
are still only half way to the Spring Equinox. Tomorrow is Imbolc which
originated within the pagan tradition and is one of the cross-quarter days
which falls between the Solstice and the Equinox. The day also became
associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid, the Celtic goddess who in later
times became revered in Christianity as St. Brigid. Originally, Brigid's festival
was known as Imbolc or Oimelc, two names which refer to the lactation of the
ewes, the flow of milk that heralds the return of the life-giving forces of
spring. Later, the Catholic Church replaced this festival with Candlemas Day
which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and features candlelight processions. The
powerful figure of Brigid the Light-Bringer overlaps both pagan and Christian
celebrations. I love finding these threads between our earth-honoring ancestors
and our religious traditions (and the
intention behind my artwork) because I believe humanity must remember and
reclaim these ancient roots to begin reverencing the earth in such a profound
way that we (in developed countries) choose to walk more lightly upon the
earth in order to ensure a liveable future for all beings...and for other
In secular culture this time of year became known as
Groundhog Day--which was a big deal growing up in New Hampshire where the
winters were fierce and we kids yearned for the sun to return so we could play
outside again. Growing up, I did not know this yearly visitation of the
groundhog had its roots in the ancient ways of our ancestors. Imbolc was
a time to start preparing the fields for the first planting and to bless the
crop seeds saved and stored from the last harvest. This is the time for
purification and renewal. Today, we might begin to till our actual gardens but we can also
symbolically till the soil of our souls by letting go of something (or some action) that no longer serves
us and plant a seed of intention to bring into our lives what we most want to
harvest this year. This year I'm feeling a pull outward, which is in stark
contrast to my introverted nature, so am setting an intention for more
adventures. This may include travel to some regional conferences with my
artwork and/or to offer workshops around these themes.
Growth and opportunity are abundant in this landscape. During the winter season, we rest in the darkness of the womb and the sun will now purify and bring energy and light to a new vision for ourselves and our world. What are you longing for? What would you like to see bloom more fully in your life, your work, your relationships? Plant the seeds of intention now, nurture the ground, and harvest the gifts as we journey through the cycles of the seasons in the coming year.
Growth and opportunity are abundant in this landscape. During the winter season, we rest in the darkness of the womb and the sun will now purify and bring energy and light to a new vision for ourselves and our world. What are you longing for? What would you like to see bloom more fully in your life, your work, your relationships? Plant the seeds of intention now, nurture the ground, and harvest the gifts as we journey through the cycles of the seasons in the coming year.
Brigid is the goddess of healing, inspiration, and poetry. This poem,
"Song" from Wendell Berry-farmer, tiller of the soil and soul, seems
Within the
circles of our lives
we dance
the circles of the years,
the circles
of the seasons
within the
circles of the years,
the cycles
of the moon
within the
circles of the seasons,
the circles
of our reason
within the cycles of the moon.
again we come and go,
changing. Hands
unjoin in love and fear,
grief and
joy. The circles turn,
each giving
into each, into all
Only music keeps us here,
each by all
the others held.
In the
holds of hands and eyes
we turn in
pairs, that joining
joining each to all again.
And then we
turn aside, alone,
out of the sunlight gone
into the darker circles of return.
As always, I welcome your feedback!
For love of